Psalm 13 Into thy hands I commit my spirit we somberly say but do we really mean it? What does it mean? David has been in some sort of conflict but in the quiet, he pens the words of his heart to the Everlasting God. Four times he asks God “how long?” It is as if we are re-reading the book of Job where he too asked God “how long?” It is so much like us. When facing a situation that seems that it goes on forever, we hear ourselves say “how long? We can relate having walked that road many a time and may even now be walking that road. We feel adrift with no answers, no solutions, and no help from man or God.
It is in these times we must determine that our emotions are not led by our feelings but the facts. And the fact of the matter is this: God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is faithful even when we rail and pound our hands crying out for His answer. He delivers—in His perfect time for His plan is greater than ours. It is then that we fall upon our faces and commit ourselves to Him who knows the end from the beginning and say “I trust you Lord!” You have not failed me in the past nor will you fail me in the future. Therefore, I trust, I rejoice, I sing for You are my God and my Savior.