What is the Most Critical Problem….

What is the most critical problem that Christ followers must face head on? It is spiritual adultery which is being disloyal or unfaithful to our Beloved Savior. Paul remarked to the Corinthians in chapter 11 that his biggest fear was, like Eve, they would be “led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”  […]

Reflecting Christ in an Unchristian World

As parents and teachers we often hear the words “why?” when asked to do something. Paul in this chapter gives us the answer to the question before it is asked. “Why” are we to be above reproach within and without the church is the question that surely will arise when we are told to pray […]

Our Want-to’s and Prayer

Peter continues his dialog about suffering to the persecuted believers. His focus herein reflects on the inner man because that is where our attitudes are shaped by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The failure of Peter to stay awake in a crucial moment in time led the Master to ask: “Couldn’t you stay […]

Witnessing 101….

We have been walking with Peter and learning from him on what it means to be called, chosen, elected. Along with this status trials come into our life that we may proclaim the power of the name of Jesus to unbelievers. Now for the piece’ de resistance: Peter says learn from me on how to […]

John 21 “Full Restoration…”

Have you ever kept yourself busy so you don’t have to think? You find busy activities to occupy your mind so that your wayward actions do not creep in and occupy your thoughts. This is the tool of the enemy so that you are hindered from service but the Master comes to us that we […]

Sharing Your Faith to the Almost Persuaded….

What do Felix, Festus, King Agrippa and Bernice all have in common with the rich man in Luke 16? They all in some way said that they were almost persuaded to accept Jesus but never did. They sealed their eternal destiny by a single word “almost.” To be almost is to be eternally lost because […]

“Kept by God’s Power”

Andrew Murray was a prolific author who wrote over 240 books and as a man of prayer he has inspired many. It is said that “God used each trial to remove all that hindered his devotion to Christ.”  In one of his publications he quoted Peter who wrote : “Blessed be the God and Father […]

Acts 23 “When Morning Gilds the Skies”

How do you face each new day and especially when it seems that the skies have fallen in and all of the world is against you? The Hymn “When Morning Gilds the Skies” originally written in German and translated into English by a Roman Priest offers to us a view that we should consider. The […]

God knows…and…more importantly God cares….

The reading of today, Psalm 139 & 140, ties in so beautifully to the last two days in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. With eyes wide open and walking upon hallowed ground,  let’s explore and see how they are so intertwined as only the Holy Spirit’s inspiration could bring about. David, anointed by the Holy […]

Camping Out With God (2Cor 5)

One of the things I never learned to enjoy is camping. I wish it were not so as everyone tells me how great it is, but truth be known, this author remembers the lengthy list of things you must pack such as  lanterns and a sundry paraphernalia and of course the tent.  Once there you […]