Peter continues his dialog about suffering to the persecuted believers. His focus herein reflects on the inner man because that is where our attitudes are shaped by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The failure of Peter to stay awake in a crucial moment in time led the Master to ask: “Couldn’t you stay awake with me for one hour? Stay awake and pray.” The Master asks us as well for He well knows our bent; our “want to” often gets distracted and gets lost in our worldly attitudes.
The world would have us define attitude by experience but the scripture defines it as that which is a product of the power of the Holy Spirit. When we allow Him to take control he will change us from the inside out and bestow upon us the attitude of sober mindedness resulting in the behavior of self-control. This is all for the distinguished purpose of prayer. “Prayer is the most noble and necessary ministry that God entrusts to His children, but it is also the most neglected ministry” [Dr. Constable]
If Peter could come and sit with us he would tell us that because we are in the end times we must be diligent, watchful, and serious about this business of prayer. Souls are being tossed and devoured by the enemy Satan. Rather start, end and make it a daily moment by moment practice: “Lord, in the morning you will hear me; in the morning I will present my case to you.”[Ps 5] Anna “worshiped with fasting and prayer night and day.” Paul: Pray without ceasing. [Th 5:17],
Beloved we must be armed and prepared to fight against this deadly d of distraction which seeks to disarm the believer and the posture of prayer and the attitude of loving service to others. No matter what time of day, what activity we are doing it should be bathed in prayer, love, and offering hospitality and service to others which the author of Hebrews also noted: Do not neglect hospitality, because through it some have entertained angels without knowing it. [Heb 13:2].
Have you spent time in prayer today? Are you being changed from the inside out? How can we pray for you?