Happy October! 10.1.24.

1 Cor 2 Heartbreak  Have you ever faced a troublesome day or week or month in which it seems like there is a huge rock along your path? It could be something real, or it could be a circumstance, but whatever it is, it has blocked your ability to study, meditate, and minister. This is […]

Contagions and Sin

Leviticus 13 Recently the world has become acutely aware of infection with no known cause and no known cure, and many are dying. The world has reacted first to isolate infected and then to restrict travel to and from that area thousands of miles away. Although these are physical infections, the spiritual lesson is that our […]

John 21 “Full Restoration…”

Have you ever kept yourself busy so you don’t have to think? You find busy activities to occupy your mind so that your wayward actions do not creep in and occupy your thoughts. This is the tool of the enemy so that you are hindered from service but the Master comes to us that we […]

Beauty Out of the Ashes

How beautifully the Spirit led Dr. Luke to record for us the witnesses regarding the Son of God. We begin our study today by seeing the subterfuge of the religious leaders and end up with the confession of the criminal. What a contrast! Only by the Spirit of God could one chapter hold so much […]