Mo Matter What, Who, When, Why, How or Where…God Can Be Trusted!

“No Matter What, Who, When, Why, Where, How…” Are you are a believer in Christ? Then you need to read and reread the book of Job because you need to know the God you serve and His and your adversary. This is not just a well I will but it is a book that YOU MUST […]

The Question is this…

Let me ask you; Do you know God? Let me tell you about my God because He can be your God too! He is “great and certainly worthy of praise,” He is the defender of both the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the young and the old. You may have heard […]

Are You Ready?

Finishing up the Book of Romans with this post: September is here once again and with it many new Bible Studies are beginning. One of the details of being a leader in this arena is getting people to know one another and what better way than to give them a nametag. We might think of […]