In a Pickle? Seek God’s Advice.

2 Chron 17-19  When in Doubt, seek God’s Advice. Asa may not have been the perfect king, but it seems he did one thing right; he raised a godly son Jehoshaphat, who took his place. Each of us is responsible for following God or not but our parents have much to do with our path. […]

How to be Sagacious in a Topsy Turvy World

Genesis 3 -5  Have you a constant struggle with the adversary Satan?  It may be 2019 and our new year like newly fallen snow looks beautiful but if you look beneath you will see all of the dirt and grime that is hidden from sight. Truthfully, today like any other day is just like that dirt […]

What Can We Learn from a Fool?

King Solomon has taught from chapter 1 how we might observe and learn to be wise. Today in chapter 26 his focus is on the fool. “The dullard or fool is not merely a man of low intelligence. He is the kind of fool who is obtuse [that is not quick or alert in perception] […]

The Kingdom Mindset

Long ago I thought I had learned what a mindset is but then again…we all need a refresher course once in a while. So today while gathering my thoughts for Matthew 7 I was struck with this phrase: “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is wise.” It was an aha moment. […]