Who Are You Walking With?

1Thess 4 “Which Crowd Do You Walk With?” The Pharisees were hypocrites because they were like the whitewashed tombs outside the city. They looked the part of righteousness and acted the part of the righteous but inside they were full of dead men’s bones. We are the same when we walk with the Jesus crowd […]

I Say There; Being a Bit of Snoot Today?

Preacher religion is alive and well in the world. We could name names of those men and women who others follow and proclaim they are “the best;” Just like in Corinth they say with their best snooty voice: “I belong to Paul and you don’t. ” Snootiness was alive and well in Corinth and it […]

Prayerful Mindset

One of the things I find most intriguing is that God loves to hear me pray which then brings me to a question as to why I am “disobedient” to be in unceasing prayer mode throughout my day. Perhaps it is best understood by seeing what Jesus did for the disciples. When the disciples asked […]