Matt 27 I have sinned, so said Judas before the religious counsel. They said in response: what is that to us revealing the hardness of their hearts. When Pilate questioned Jesus he marveled that here stood before him a man who had been threatened, questioned, beaten, and yet stood dignified. Listening the leaders and Jesus, he ascertained that this whole charade was all because of the sin of envy.
What does envy do to us when we let it fester and grow? It brings a harvest of sin and that is where both Judas and the religious leaders stood before the world and God. Luke records that he found no fault in Jesus so why did he allow the crucifixion to take place? There is no other reason than that Jesus was going to fulfill scripture to pay the penalty of our sin and Pilate could not understand that.
Many today find themselves in this same box of envy. One author wrote: “Envy and jealousy are fruits of pride (and false humility) that intimidate you and lead to offenses. It will cause you to mistreat people who could have been a blessing to you. If you don’t take the ax to the root when envy or jealousy reveals themself, it hurts you and others. Envy and jealousy lead to slander and is a relationship and character ruiner.” []
The fruit of envy destroysthat which God had placed before you and the evil one uses that as a temptation. Judas was remorseful but not repentant. The religious leaders were neither. Beware of the sin of The fruit of envy destroy that which God had placed before you and the evil one uses that as a temptation. Judas was remorseful but not repentant. The religious leaders were neither. Beware of the sin of envy which is the big “I” in the word pride. It was the downfall of Judas, the religious leaders and it will be yours.