Think about it

Psalm 81 “So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, To walk in their own devices.”[Ps 81:12] is echoed in Romans 1. As a last resort, God steps aside from the disobedient to allow them to experience the fruit of their ways. This verse echoes Romans 1 where God says the same words: I gave them over…

The long suffering and patience of God and His mercy is revealed in this psalm. God loves His people but if they refuse to obey, He will do as the father of the Prodigal, give them what they want until they come to their senses. 

How do you relate to this verse  in Psalm 81? Is life troublesome? Are you experiencing difficulties? Perhaps it may be that God has stepped aside and allowed you to experience these challenges so you will return to Him so He can bless you. Think about it. 

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