Romans 16 Honoring Servants
In today’s world we honor those who serve with gifts and accolades. In the time of Paul, those who served well are also honored not with gifts but with help as needed. What a wise consideration. Phoebe must have been a willing servant and Paul closes his letter to the Romans with that thought. It appears that she has been chosen to carry this letter to them and Paul encourages that church to provide for her needs while she is there. Imagine being asked to carry this document from Cenchrea (a suburb of Corinth) across the sea to Rome. You are going by yourself with such precious cargo. How do you prepare? According to google, it was “ 617 miles.”’ [ as the crow flies]. 🙂
‘“There was not a letter courier service that Paul could use to deliver this letter to the church in Rome. Instead, he would need to use a person. Taking this letter probably encompassed many months of time. Traveling was difficult. Often traveling occurred at nights so that the stars could be followed. I don’t think I can accurately realize the difficulty it was just to take this letter to Rome. What an incredible feat it was just to get this letter to Rome.” [anonymous blogger]
Also Paul asks the Romans for three things for Phoebe: Welcome her in a manner worthy of fellow saints in Rome, Help her in whatever she may need because She has been a patron of many and of Paul.
Would Paul have considered you a “Phoebe” for the work of the Lord?