Respecting Others

Romans 14 Wisdom Speaks

This year we are in the book of Revelation in our small groups. One thing the teacher/pastor has emphasized is what Paul has said in this chapter. “Now receive the one who is weak in the faith, and do not have disputes over differing opinions,” [Rom 14:1] The last phrase in this verse speaks wisely. It is often because of our spiritual superiority that we do just that! Paul is counseling us to not just be wise but to see others as they are. Some are learned in the study of the scriptures while others are weak and not as learned. Treat each other with respect and honor their opinions. Be patient and loving with those who think differently than you do. 

To help us understand this in a practical way, Paul uses the example of different foods. Some will not partake of wine but others see nothing wrong with that. Some will not eat meat but only vegetables while others eat meat with gusto! One of the fruits of the Spirit is gentleness. We are to be gentle and not pushy with those who think or act differently than we do. If we don’t we are not just not obeying the Spirit but we are like the Pharisees who lived by the motto of listen to what I say not as I do. 

Today, be ye kind to one another. 

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