Fear of Man or Fear of God?

Nehemiah  6-7 Principle #1 When you are in leadership, there will be opposition. Principle #2 Fear is our biggest enemy. Principle #3 Believers need discernment. Nehemiah had learned all three as he served the pagan king. and therefore was successful in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.  God uses any time we serve to learn the […]

“The Trilogy”

Nehemiah 1 to 5 Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah all lived in or around the palace in Susa, yet as Moses taught, they were separated religiously from the pagan idolatry of the land. They were examples of fasting and prayer before executing their duties, and God blessed them to serve. We live in a land that idolizes […]

God directs our steps

Esther 6 to 10 As Peter reminded us, our arch-villain seeks to destroy [1Pet 5:8], but God in His providence will always overrule his plans because long before this story, God told Abraham in Genesis 12: 3 “I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you I will curse.”  We left […]

The Hallmark Movie of the Past

Esther 1 to 5 In every Hallmark movie, there is a knight in shining armor who swoops in to rescue a damsel in distress. God is Esther’s knight and He is ours as well. Since time began our arch-enemy, “Haman,” has sought to destroy the line of Christ. He tried it first in the Garden, […]

“Dirty Laundry & Fasting”

Zechariah 1 to 7 The remnant has returned to Jerusalem, but they have carried “old baggage” with them. When we travel, do we take clean clothes or dirty? The dirty laundry that they dragged with them was an unclean heart and mind. They still had wicked hearts that listened but did not heed or apply. […]

Times change but not the message

Haggai 1 and 2 What keeps you from obeying? As then, so today, fear is the tool of the enemy.  Cyrus gave the returning Israelites permission to rebuild the Temple, so what was the problem? The Samaritans used fear and intimidation to stop the work. As God’s prophet, Haggai reminded them that as God provided […]

The Adversaries d NOT have the last word.

Ezra 4 to 6 and Ps 137 It is just so neat to read these chapters to see the truth of Romans 8:28. The adversaries of the temple workers were so sure their first letter back to the king would settle the matter, and all would return to normal “but God.” This reminds us of […]

The Cross ensured our “membership”

Today our guest poster is Shelly Stansfield. Ezra 1-3 The Proof of Our “membership.” Membership to a club costs. For the Jews, it cost them proof of their ancestry. For those without proof of their ancestry, they were not allowed the same privileges. Ezra says: 59 … they could not prove their fathers’ houses or […]