God is…

  Psalm 145 “The Attributes of God” How often have you had this experience?  You have read a passage of scripture many times, but today something new jumps off the page.  We stop and say, why didn’t I see that before?  So it was with the Psalmist.  He saw God as never before.  He saw […]

Do you know God?

Ps 139 “God Knows” King David reflected that God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He not only has those character qualities, but He is the God, the El Roi, who sees and cares; the Manna or Bread of Life upon which we may feed; the Living Water from which we may quench our spiritual thirst. […]

What kind of God do you have?

Ps 133-136 Deaf-Dumb-Blind OR Hearing-Cognizant-Seeing The psalmist writes that those who worship idols are deaf-dumb-blind. We see that in spades in the story of Elijah and the Baal “prophets” in 1Kings 18. The Baal worshipers sought to have their sacrifice burned up and spent an entire day calling Baal to perform, but he was silent. […]

God is immutable…

Ps 111 His precepts are sure. John MacArthur writes: Two polar opposite views of God’s will can cause Christians to have faulty understandings of prayer and the accomplishing of God’s purposes. The same can be said for how people view the character of God. On the one hand, some believe the words of the song […]

You want me to do what, God?

Psalm 109 The principle of turning the other cheek So often when we face those who seek to do evil we try to handle the problem by ourselves. Maybe that is why when Jesus taught the Beatitudes, he turned the world upside down to get our attention. He reminded his audience that even though they, […]

Count Your Blessings!

Ps 106-108 Forgetting and Remembering The psalmist reminded us yesterday in Ps 103 that we have short memories. It is like that part of our brain goes to sleep and forgets the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Today’s reading is continuing that same theme. Ps 106:7 they failed to remember (your many acts of […]