“Be My Disciple”

Luke 8:26-39 Dr. Luke uses his pen to share with us that a true disciple loves as God loves and shows compassion as He does. In Luke 8:26-39, the focus is on the principle that works must accompany a disciple’s faith. James shared this same principle: “faith without works is dead.” Dr. Luke shares the […]

“Is Old Good Enough?”

Luke 4&5 Are you satisfied with your life the way it is? It seems that those in Israel were, and when Jesus arrives on the scene, they are amazed, astonished, or filled with resentment. Returning to his hometown, he is selected to read from Isaiah in his Nazareth synagogue. The listeners were amazed at the […]

Unity is Key to the Health of God’s People

Ps 133 “Be Unified” Unity is not a new idea. We read that even Jesus prayed for his disciples: “that they will all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I am in you.” [Jn 17] Before him, the psalmist wrote: “how beautiful it is to be unified as brethren.” As the […]

The Blessing of Being a Sheep

Psalm 23 and 100 Diary Entry—What a Blessing! Do you feel like you are lost in the midst of the voices that are shouting? Do you fear your bleating won’t be heard? Beloved, the Good Shepherd hears your bleating and He is coming to your rescue. Memo to self on Day 100: Make a joyful […]

“Do You Need a Heart Transplant?’

Psalm 50 & 51 People, we are in deep trouble. Instead of peace and quiet, our world is swirling with anxiety, greed, grumbling, and all the “vices” of Galatians 5. There is strife, jealousy, and outbursts of anger. We are swimming in sexual immorality, impurity, depravity, and idolatry—all because we are worshiping the creation more than […]

Hang in there…we aren’t at the finish line yet

Psalm 43 to 45 On a scale of 1 to 10, how is your day going? Are you among those who grumble and complain about life and wish you could go back to the “good old days?” But how good were they? Reviewing history, we recall that in the twentieth century, there were two world […]

Do You Have God’s eyes to see?

Ps 41/Ps 33 “The Beatitudes of the Psalms.” As a tax collector, Matthew was monetarily rich, and yet his heart was empty until Jesus called him. He left behind his riches to follow Christ and later recorded the teachings of Jesus that his fellow Jews might see the promised Messiah. Matthew 5 reveals what the […]