9.23.24. Spiritual Gifts

God gifts men/women to do the work of the ministry

1 Cor 12 The Spirit Gifts

When one believes and accepts Christ as Savior, it is the Holy Spirit that reveals to our hearts that Jesus is Lord. Is He Lord of your life? If so, then the Spirit is yours as well and with that He gives the gifts that are needed to develop the person and the church. “To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the benefit of all.”  [1 Cor 12:7] As you ponder this thought, consider what gift the Spirit has given to you and not for you alone, but for the many believers out there. 

Paul then takes time to teach the Corinthians and us in turn the many gifts that the Spirit shares out of His abundance of wealth. Has He given you wisdom? Know this, that wisdom comes from the throne of God to edify the church’s believers. Has He given you knowledge? If so, what are you doing with it? Paul then lists many more gifts too numerous here to note. Believer, God has saved you and blessed you with a gift perfectly suited for you and the church so that many would come to salvation. 

What are you doing with your gift today? 

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