The Scriptures…are the Inner Workings

Proverbs 25:2 Ever have your computer just up and die? You can’t see inside, but inside are all of the bits and pieces that make it work. Just like some parts of a computer are concealed, God conceals some matters. One day we will see all things hidden since eternity past. God has his reasons […]

Proverbs 15 to 18: Self Questions

Through four long chapters headed as “contrasts of the blessed and the wicked,” we are confronted with the heart. Ten times Solomon uses the heart as his visual image. We may think we know our heart but in reality, only the Lord knows it. Jeremiah noted: ‘the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked..{Jeremiah asks: who […]

Study God’s Word to Gain Wisdom

Proverbs 13 Some sheep/children are teachable, and some will refuse correction. Solomon was a teachable child, “Solomon demonstrated his loyalty to the Lord by following the practices of his father David,” [1Ki 3:3] However, his son was incorrigible. We have all heard this saying: “Don’t do as I do but do as I say.” Perhaps in […]

Can we know the right path to follow?

Prov 8/9  Are you a people watcher as you walk down the path of life? Solomon must have been. He pondered and realized there are two tracks of life (foolish and wise) and he personifies both. Solomon has observed: Vs. 32: Blessed are those who keep my [God’s] ways. Vs. 34 Blessed is the one […]

How to Become Wise

Today we begin our walk through the book of Proverbs. Beloved, know this truth that will guide you step by step through life: “It All Begins with Fearing the Lord“ Every person has a life journey that ultimately leads to everlasting comfort and peace or eternal destruction.  Proverbs is in the Holy Scriptures to help […]