The Next Generation Needs YOU!

2Kings 15 to 17  & Prov 1:4 “Fathers Listen Up” A godly family does not just happen; it takes work. If we look back we see the failures of fathers like Eli, Samuel-a prophet yet had ungodly sons; David who did not confront sin and Solomon as wise but did not practice application.  Now in […]

The Power of Salt

How often do we fall for the line that “no one cares what I do.” We think our acts and deeds are not being noted. Is that a true statement? In what chapter and verse did you find that? This is what we call the “oh me” syndrome. Beware of that, it is one of […]

The Sin of Unbelief & the Rewards of Belief

2Kings 7 to 10  There are two kinds of people in this world; they either believe what is recorded in the Bible or they don’t believe. You can’t mix in those people who say they believe some of it. Those are still unbelievers. They have one thing in common; they see the evidence but cling […]

The Rewards of Faithfulness

2Kings 2  The story of Elijah’s swift departure from earth to heaven has been a favorite. There are many over the years that have painted this episode in the life of Elijah and told it and dramatized it to children in Sunday School. We need to remember that Elijah was a man just like you. […]

Ahab the Crybaby King

What do you do when you don’t get your own way? This story in 1Kings 21 reveals the truth of Jer 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? God lists Covetousness, Deceit, Murder under the heading “all things God hates.” Yet, like King Ahab, we quickly push those under the rug when we want […]

Out of the Nowhere into the Fray

Do you present Christ only for it to fall on deaf ears? Then this story of Elijah is for you! Please take time to read the whole story. 1Kings 17 – 19 How often have you wondered when God was going to work and when He did, you can’t fathom how it all happened? Such is […]

You Can’t Fool God!

1Kings 14 “Disguises don’t work with God!” Children love to dress in a disguise at Halloween because they think others won’t know who they are. Jeroboam thought by sending his wife, disguised as just any woman would work as she sought help for her child. But, God is God, and He does not see this […]

Read the “Amazing! Astonishing!” story in 1Kings 13:

After Paul left Galatia grievous wolves had entered and taken captive their hearts. Paul says to them “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting…” As we read the story of the disobedient unnamed prophet whom God had sent on a mission to the wicked king Jeroboam and the tale that follows, we also […]

I Kings “8:28”

I Kings 8 “8:28” Many of us who study and memorize scripture are familiar with the “8:28” verse in Romans which is a promise that God has made: “that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose,” But there is another “8:28” verse hidden in […]