How often do we fall for the line that “no one cares what I do.” We think our acts and deeds are not being noted. Is that a true statement? In what chapter and verse did you find that? This is what we call the “oh me” syndrome. Beware of that, it is one of Satan’s traps. God has a thing or two to say about that.
2Kings 11 An author recently wrote about and challenged each of his readers to be “salt” in the earth. In another article, an author said there is always a remnant that God saves. A remnant is that salt, that preservative for godliness. In chapter 11 amidst all of the evil Queen Athaliah could muster there are three individuals who remained pure and holy. They are the salt; they are the remnant that God has preserved. We know nothing of Jehosheba other than she is the sister of the wicked King Ahaziah, recently deceased. She took his son and hid him—not for just a day or two but seven years! The second person is Ahaziah’s son’s nurse. We know nothing about her other than her vocation. Then there is the faithful high priest Jehoiada, salt in the midst of ungodliness. God has preserved this story to show that even in the midst of the worst kind of evil, God can and will use us for righteousness.
Jehosheba was used by God to hide the little child king, Joash from the wicked queen. The unnamed nurse raised Joash and the high priest Jehoiada, may have taught the young child king the Torah. All of these worked behind the scenes for seven years without Athaliah knowing.
Do you feel like all you are doing is not important? Listen to the words of the psalmist: I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. A doorkeeper is unknown except to God yet is the salt and the remnant God preserves.