Acts 24 Are we prepared?

ACTS 24 Are We Prepared?  Paul has been taken by night from Jerusalem to  Caesarea to stand before Felix.   Paul was assured that he would go to Rome because the Holy Spirit had reminded him that this would come to pass. In the meantime, the religious leaders, after hearing Paul’s testimony, seek further retribution from Felix.  Paul […]

Truth Demands a Response

Acts 17 The Truth Penetrates God will move His people to where they can hear the truth that Jesus is who He said He was and thus must decide if they will believe or not. God used Paul to speak truth to the Thessalonians of whom were both Gentiles and Jews. Interestingly it was the […]

Are you preparing for eternity?

Luke 6 How do you see and experience true wisdom and a life that produces rewards? Remember, what you have now is temporal, and if you have nothing but obedience, then that will be rewarded not here but in the afterlife. Jesus wanted the religious leaders to look around them. Did they see those who […]

Faith or Facts?

Luke 1 Many echo the sentiment that they would believe if only they could see. They want facts before their faith. Yet Jesus said to Thomas,  “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are the people who have not seen and yet have believed.” [Jn 20:29] Thus, with those thoughts in mind, Dr. Luke, as a researcher, begins his account […]