All are unrighteous

Romans 2 We are well aware of what Paul told the Corinthians, the enemy (satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they cannot see the glorious image of Christ. Yet, to the unbelieving, they are unaware of what it means to be self righteous.However to the believing that term essentially means to elevate oneself above others. How often do we do that when we say things like; I am better than so and so. Jesus gave an example of this in his parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. Listen carefully to each.

The Pharisee says he is better than this publican because he fasts, he prays, he offers vows and offerings while standing to be seen of others.

The Publicans says, forgive me Father, for I am unworthy. He stands with head bowed ashamed and seeking mercy from God. 

Jesus asked the listeners, who went home justified? 

Now to the Romans, Paul uses that same logic by having listed those sins that are unacceptable in the sight of God, yet failing to see that they too have done similar sins. Thus he says, you are without excuse. You will never go home justified as the Publican. Why? Because, like the man in the mirror of James, you see what you are  in the eyes of God but continue to think God will absolve you because you are not like the publican. It is in the end like the prevailing logic of unbelievers: all go to heaven ignoring the truth: all are unrighteousness, no not one. [Rom 3:10]

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