A Truth

2Tim 3 “Don’t be Left Behind” The “Left Behind Series” grabbed many viewers and revealed much about the rapture and the end times. But, suppose you could write the headline for the last day’s newspaper that will only be read by those who are “left behind.” Would it say something like this: Where were you […]

Don’t be a hornet

2 Timothy We have heard the phrase “don’t disturb a hornet’s nest” and I can attest that to be true. When I was a teenager helping my dad clean out the tobacco barn I inadvertently disturbed one and the result was massive insect bites for hornet’s unlike bees, can sting and sting again. So that […]

One Thing

Psalm 27 “One Thing”Have you ever pondered about the ‘one thing’ that you need or desire above all else? Jesus once told Martha, “you are worried and troubled about many things, but one thing is needed.” What could that ‘one thing’ be? Could we find a clue in Psalm 27: “One thing have I asked […]

True Contentment

1 Timothy 6 We live in a materialistic society. We are bombarded with ads for this and that supposedly because we need it to be contented. But, if you read history and the biographies of rich men, you will find that they were not contented. Rockefeller when asked what would make him contented, he answered, […]

Multi-generational relationships

1 Timothy 5 As in the time of Timothy, so today we have multi generational groups which require wisdom and patience. Paul’s wisdom to Timothy is to be wise in word and deed to those who are older, yet sometimes can be challenging to the young. Proverbs reminds us that gray heads, as my granddaughter […]


1Timothy 3 No matter where you are today, it is imperative that you know that your conduct reveals that you are a walking and breathing Christian in word and deed. This week marks a change in the West Point mission statement. The leaders have removed “duty, honor, country.” That seems to be the way of […]