Psalm 95 & 96 How to worship
In these psalms we are encouraged by how worship was done and we can learn and apply these same standards to us today. The psalmist says “Come, let us bow down and worship. Let us kneel before the Lord, our Creator.” [Ps 95:6] How many of us do that in our quiet time? How many of us do it in our churches? How many of us exhibit these qualities? If truth be known, few do with the exception of one church in particular, but the question remains is it to worship the Creator or just a mode that we learned as children and now do almost without thinking why.
The psalmist also encourages singing! Charles Spurgeon, in his discussion of family worship, says to do three things: bow, pray and sing. What a beautiful expression of our faith! What a beautiful way to honor God in our families. Again the psalmist encourages us to worship: “Come, let us bow down and worship. Let us kneel before the Lord, our Creator.” [Ps 96:2]And then he gives the reason why: “For the Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise;” [Ps 96:4]
Today as you begin your quiet time, take some time to sing,pray, kneel and honor God.