Romans 7 Are you teachable?
A good teacher often finds and uses an illustration to help his/her students to understand the lesson. Paul is a good teacher and uses the illustration of marriage. We stand before the preacher and vow to death due us part but Paul says we are blind when life becomes challenging. We become unfaithful and adulteresses. Paul explains it this way; remember, you and your groom/bride blindly walked the aisle to say you will be faithful. But then when life goes awry we step into the divorce court. We say we have lost our first love and so we seek to fulfill that by finding a new mate, walking the aisle again to marry and repeat that vow…but God calls it adultery. We have become unfaithful to the one to whom we vowed the first time. The only release from this vow is death of the one to whom you vowed “until death do us part.” The complementary to this is we are wed to the Law and it is lord over us. We must die to the Law so we can be joined to Christ who is our new husband. One of us must die, it is either me or the Law.