Footprints and Faith

Ps 77 The psalmists uses a visual to guide us into praising God. These words “You walked through the sea;you passed through the surging waters,but left no footprints.” [Ps 77:19] In the NT we see Jesus walking on the water to His disciples in the middle of the night. What a visual image of His power! He came to them and they thought they had seen a ghost but He said “do not fear, it is I.” When Peter asked to come to Him on the water, He said come. He is saying that to us today, “come.” 

Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk to Jesus but his faith faltered. How about us when our Master says come? His other command was “follow Me.” Does our faith falter when we are commanded to not fear and to follow Him? 

Today as you ponder His power recall this image to guide you into praising Him. 

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