Proverbs 14 Are you shrewd?
Today we meet all kinds of people in our communities, our families, our churches and in our nation. Some are wise and some are foolish. Those who are wise are shrewd or sensible, prudent. The dictionary gives us more insight to this word; it has the meaning of showing a clever awareness or resourcefulness; especially in practical matters. It stresses practical hardhead cleverness or judgment.
The Proverbs author notes that the shrewd person is discerning. (vs 15) and in Vs 18 they who are shrewd will be crowned with knowledge. Jesus prayed for the disciples as he prepared to send them out; be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. [Matt 10:16] He knew that they would experience opposition and in fact, John recorded His words: you will be hated, and many will seek to end your life thinking they are doing God’s will. [John 16:2]
So, as we get closer to the time of Jesus’ return, we find that these same behaviors of the unbelieving are being revealed. Therefore, we must be shrewd and not believe all that is said, but we are to be wise, strong and courageous in a world that has gone astray.
Today as you live and move in this world, seek His wisdom, seek His protection, seek His path for He will direct your steps.