Keep Looking up

Keep looking up

Isaiah 10-12 Do you feel the enemy, Satan, breathing down your neck? Fear not—our Sovereign God is in charge, and He will vanquish him who seeks our demise. God will go before us, behind us, beside us because He is greater than the enemy.

“The Messiah gave early notice that his kingdom was not of this world.” [Matt Henry]  Soon and very soon, His kingdom will emerge out of heaven with a shout, and the dead in Christ shall arise, and then those left will join the heavenly throng to welcome our glorious Messiah. The Holy Spirit came upon Him as a dove and rested upon him as he came up out of the waters of the Jordan. The Spirit gave him extraordinary wisdom and the ability to execute plans in love and purity. His prayer was, “Your will not mine.” Is this how we pray? No matter the circumstances, is it God’s will that you desire and not your own?

His return in the clouds is something believers long to see because it will usher in peace for a thousand years. Until then, beloved, may you be found faithful and ready to hear His voice.

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