Open the eyes of my heart Lord…

open the eyes of my heart Lord

Ps 13 to 15 “Through God’s Eyes”

Wouldn’t it be marvelous if we could see with God’s eyes? Instead, God says, trust me, for I see not as man sees. King David reflected on his world around him and viewed with a renewed vision exactly what God saw. He saw men like blameless Job who probably wondered ‘how long.’ In sharp contrast, he saw men who were fools because although the creation screams God’s power and majesty, they refuse to bow the knee to Him.

The psalmist understood this: God was faithful in the past and will be faithful in the future; therefore, trust Him. He also understood this about men: they are fools! They ignore the evidence before them. Yet, those who have chosen His way can say with assurance: He is our shelter. He ends this by saying, O God, I see it now! I know that I will enter your presence one day because I have chosen Your way, Your standards, Your path.

Beloved, are you asking God for help to see with His eyes? He will reveal to you Himself. He says seek me early and I will be found. [Prov 8:17] He also promises that even those not seeking Him, He will be found for He will reveal Himself to them. [Rom 10:20]

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