Preparation for Persecution

James 1&2  “Proof of Citizenship.” If you live in the United States, you know that we do not face persecution as those in the first century. We talk about it but have not really experienced it. Many today, as illegal immigrants, who move from their home country now fear that their identity will be known […]

Fear, Faith, and Discipleship

Philemon “Fear and Faith” God in his sovereign love directed the runaway slave Onesimus from Colossae to encounter Paul, an aged prisoner, somewhere in Rome. Watching Paul and hearing his story, he would see, not fear but a peace that passes all understanding. He would learn the truth and power of forgiveness that would forever […]

Words and Words —

Advent #11 Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness Paul encouraged Timothy to disciple others. As he is actively discipling, he is entrusting what he had heard in the presence of many others. Also, he is discipling another so that they may disciple others, thus living out Psalm 78. “tell the next generation about the Lord’s praiseworthy […]

“Guarding the Investment”

Advent Series #9: 1Tim 6 Our world is consumed with protecting investments.  Seminars are replete with:  give me your money and  I  will invest it and bring you dollars untold.  As  Paul closes this personal letter to  Timothy he leaves him with one charge and it has nothing to do with the investment of money. […]