What Diet Are You Following?

Will yo join me

Advent #14 Hebrews 5 to 7

I must admit, I am a cooky-holic! I love to bake and I love December for its many cooky recipes! But, alas December is followed by January, and then I find myself groaning as I step on the scales! I know that the last cooky or last piece of candy should be put out of sight and out of mind. But, alas, I fall precipitously careless when so much is offered as a gift! And so comes January when I resolve to begin the rounds of dieting by sacrificing certain those foods, like cookies, so I can bring those scales back into the proper frame.

Often it is not just the cooky but there is also a second problem I face during this season. Christmas and Advent provide an example of what happens when I fail to guard my keeping to a Bible reading schedule each day. This happens when I allow this season’s busy activities to take my eyes and minds off what should be the most important activity of my day! Thus enters the deadly d’s of drifting and disbelief. The author of Hebrews warned of this! He called it being “sluggish in hearing.” [Heb 5:11] He also noted that “we must pay closer attention to what we have heard so that we do not drift away. “[Heb 2:1]

Lest I find myself in the same strait, I must earnestly plan to dig into the Word daily and to learn the truths so I can share them with others. Will you join me in my Bible Reading Plan? Here’s a link I follow: https://tinyurl.com/3x8ufhl

Today my prayer is that you and I be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. [1Cor 15:58] And…I can only do that by setting aside time each day to read and pray.

How about you?

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