“Acceptance And/Or Rejection”

Acts 6 to 9 The gospel narrative revealed a fickle populace. They wanted miracles but not the Savior. After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples were moved by the Holy Spirit’s power to share the good news but just as with Christ; the message was accepted only as the physical needs were met but rejected when the […]

“Be God’s Witnesses”

Acts 1 “Certainly the sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”[Amos 3:7] He revealed his plan to redeem mankind. It began in Genesis and we will see from Acts 1 onward how He used men and women to reveal his plan. God’s plan was to send his only begotten son because: “He does not wish […]


John 18 – Three times Jesus in the Garden Jesus answered: “I AM he.” Judas heard it, the soldiers heard it and the outwardly religious but inwardly hard-hearted High Priest Caiaphas heard it. All are without excuse. Caiaphas added to that: “You do not realize that it is more to your advantage to have one […]

“Rooted in Jesus.”

John 16, Our world appears to be changing rapidly, and many are asking, is it out of control?   Jesus prepared the disciples to know that even as the religious leaders were hostile to his presence and work, it would intensify after his departure. In light of that, Jesus said: “a time is coming when the […]

“Do You Believe This?”

John 11 God’s glory revealed through His divine Son, Jesus Christ, is one of John’s strongest arguments as he presents the gospel message. Fast forward to our present-day; it begins when we come face to face with the very radiance of God as we read His Word. Jesus is revealed as –”the glory of the […]

“From Blindness to Sight”

John 9 Sometimes we wish we could have been an observer of some incident told by the biblical authors. In John 9 we meet several people who are spiritually blind as well as the man who is physically blind. Forgetting that blind people really have extraordinary hearing, the disciples ask incredibly insensitive questions: “who sinned, […]