“Have you Planned for Your Retirement”

Do you know that there is no retirement in the Bible, right? When you are dating, did you talk about this subject? Probably not, but then again, some are forward thinkers and were thinking about that subject. Even God thought about retirement. In Numbers 8, he provided retirement for the Levites after the age of […]

Ezra: A man with a missionary’s heart.

In Babylon, Ezra spent his time memorizing scripture, praying, and seeking help from the king. He prepared to leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem – the city he probably never had seen, yet it was in his heart to go there and teach the people about God. [Ezra 7:10] Ezra trusted God to provide all […]

LFL: Lessons for Life

2 Chronicles 35  The story of King Josiah teaches us that not IF but WHEN we fail to consult God, we may face severe consequences. Josiah set out to intercept Pharaoh without asking God. He went looking for trouble where he didn’t need to be. Had he consulted God, the outcome may have been different.  […]