Evidence that demands a verdict

Joshua 23-24 We have been walking with Joshua since Exodus when he and the company of thousands left Egypt. He and Caleb have been faithful in every circumstance and are our heroes. As they are nearing the end of their conquest of the Promised land, Joshua challenges the tribes to choose whom they will serve: […]

Jesus is the True Manna

How often do I fail to realize that Jesus is the Always Abundant Bread of Life? As I was reading John 6 I once again saw how he, theĀ  Apostle John, continues to provide opportunities for my eyes to be opened and for me to see the Living Water and the Healer of all diseases! […]

Is My Lens Functioning? 1Cor 14

Lighthouses are fascinating. Their lens are rotating and emit light to show the ship captain the direction he is to use to navigate a treacherous channel to safety. The church is to be a lighthouse for the lost. Therefore, it is crucial that the lenses are cleaned often and they are operational 24/7. The Corinthian […]

What does My Heart Say to those Who are Lost?

In our pm church service our new pastor shared his vision for the next few months ahead. One thing came across both sincerely and repeatedly: there are at least 58,000 people within a 3 mile radius of our church. Some may be saved, some are definitely unsaved, and some are open to hearing the news […]