Happy October! 10.1.24.

1 Cor 2 Heartbreak  Have you ever faced a troublesome day or week or month in which it seems like there is a huge rock along your path? It could be something real, or it could be a circumstance, but whatever it is, it has blocked your ability to study, meditate, and minister. This is […]

9.30.24. Comfort

2 Cor 1 God of all comfort If anyone has suffered greatly it is Paul. He has walked the road of suffering so he might bring the gospel to others. He knows the Corinthians personally and he is aware of how they have come to know Christ. He also knows their strengths and weaknesses. Where […]

9.29.24.Praise God Always

Psalm 106-108 The Long-suffering of God  No matter what we read in these psalms, the repeated theme is to praise the Lord. Why praise Him when we are suffering? Stop and consider this: God sends suffering to purge us of our iniquities and so we will recall what He has done in the past. He […]

9.28.24. Wisdom Nuggets

Proverbs 22 Wise Sayings How many times have we experienced a situation only to realize later that had we paid attention, we would not have had to face these end results. One of the wisdom proofs is when God provides that nugget of truth we should learn from it rather than from facing the consequences […]

Our Plans & God’s Plans

1 Cor 16 Making Plans  Today we are busy about many things and one of them is making plans for this and that. We draft calendars and send messages to others to remind them of our plans. We live in the internet age when messages fly faster than the crow flies to others and then […]

9.23.24. Spiritual Gifts

1 Cor 12 The Spirit Gifts When one believes and accepts Christ as Savior, it is the Holy Spirit that reveals to our hearts that Jesus is Lord. Is He Lord of your life? If so, then the Spirit is yours as well and with that He gives the gifts that are needed to develop […]

9.21.24 Do’s…Don’t’s

1 Cor 10 “Do’s and Don’ts” Can you hear your parents saying those words to you as you grew up? Paul considers himself the parent to the Corinthians, and as such, he reminds them of those who went before them and they did not obey the Lord thus incurring consequences. That is the same for […]