Happy October! 10.1.24.

1 Cor 2 Heartbreak  Have you ever faced a troublesome day or week or month in which it seems like there is a huge rock along your path? It could be something real, or it could be a circumstance, but whatever it is, it has blocked your ability to study, meditate, and minister. This is […]

The Depraved Heart

In  Acts 12, Luke wants us to notice not only just the death of James and the deliverance of Peter but rather how longsuffering God is and how depraved men are and he accomplishes this  by showing us the heart of Herod. Just as creation reveals God in all of his glory so the heart […]

Satan’s Defeat and Christ’s Promise

In 1903 a Sikh named Sundar Singh struggled to know the truth. After he grew he became bitter and angered at God but on this day, 19 December 1903, he began to pray that God would reveal himself—if he really existed. If not, Sundar planned to throw himself in front of the morning train. For […]