“The Sin of Unbelief and the Rewards of Belief”

2Kings 7 to 10 There are two kinds of people in this world; they either believe the Bible, or they don’t believe it. You can’t mix in those people who say they believe some of it. Those are still unbelievers. They have one thing in common; they see the evidence but cling to their unbelief. […]

It is more blessed to give than receive

2Kings 4-6 Today many wish they had a double portion of Elijah’s power to eradicate this dratted virus that has us quarantined. Instead, God has given us not a double portion of miraculous powers but the power of the Word so we might bear fruit in every good deed growing in the knowledge of God. […]

What God do you serve?

2Kings 1-3 King Ahaziah had a nasty fall through the ceiling of his apartment. He must have had some severe injuries due to this and wanted to know if he would recover. He knew Elijah was one of God’s prophets yet did not call upon him. Instead, he sent messengers to inquire of the idol […]

Know that God is Lord!

1Kings 20-22 God demonstrated his mercy to King Ahab in restoring rain for parched Israel because of the faithfulness of Elijah, Obadiah, and the hidden prophets. He saw God at work on Mt. Carmel and the destruction of the prophets of Baal. Yet, King Ahab forgets God when faced with a new adversarial taunt. Instead […]

Posted in God

Jehovah Jireh Our Provider

1Kings 17-19 Today people are beginning to grumble because their comfort zone has been disrupted. They have lost their trust in government officials, others, and even the God of the Bible. They just want the problem fixed which is precisely what the wicked King Ahab wanted too.  Yet God is God, and He will not […]