Unconditional Forgiveness

How do you handle overwhelming and profound sadness? How do you respond when another responds to you with not with words that edify but words that are like swords? Are we a confronter or do we love from a distance? Do we step aside or do we confront? Do we forgive or do we withhold […]

Steadfast Confidence

How do you react in times of difficulty? Are we confident in the God we say we believe? If so, are we living so that others may ask how we are facing life’s circumstances? As Paul wrote this second letter to the church in Corinth he shared from the heart the burdens he was carrying […]

And all of the people said “Praise the Lord!”

 The writer of these psalms wisely counsel us to praise the Lord for He is God, and His lovingkindness is ever before us in all we see and experience. “While we are studying this holy Psalm, let us all along see ourselves in the Lord’s ancient people, and bemoan our own provocations of the Most […]

Is My Lens Functioning? 1Cor 14

Lighthouses are fascinating. Their lens are rotating and emit light to show the ship captain the direction he is to use to navigate a treacherous channel to safety. The church is to be a lighthouse for the lost. Therefore, it is crucial that the lenses are cleaned often and they are operational 24/7. The Corinthian […]

Lone Wolf or Member of the Flock? 1Cor 12

Recently in a conversation about church attendance a person noted that she is a “loner” and has been all of her life. She does not require nor does she need to be a part of a group and especially church. Then today in reading for this assignment I came across a blog written by another […]

Heart Issues…1Cor 11

In all of life there is an order to be followed. God designed order so that there would be peace and tranquility. He even asked Job where he was when He laid the foundation of the earth for that is when He instituted order in creation.  In chapter 10 Paul reminded the Corinthians that orderly […]

Scriptural Principles 101

Paul has been teaching the Corinthians about their pride and arrogance. Swiftly he has taken them to task lovingly step by step. Now in this chapter Paul gives them some wise counsel beginning with this is why scripture has been written. Learn from it! Learn from the past! If you don’t you heed what is […]

What/Who is on your agenda today?

Do you have memory aids to help you recall things? Some of use that tool to recall different thoughts such as “G-God’s R-riches A-at C-Christ’s E-expense.” We look for these simple acronyms because we are a people who are busy about many things. Already as you are beginning to read, your mind is on two […]

A Higher Law! 1Cor 8

Teddy Bears bring out the best in me. In fact, I have two of them on top of the nearest book case to my desk. They remind me that when I am down I can see their faces looking sweet and often even looking up. They live to the “higher law” of love and teddy […]

O Worship the King — Psalm 104

When you woke up this morning did you stop to think of what had gone on from the time you dropped off into slumber-land until you arose? Did you stop to think or consider that unlike machines which often sputter and go clunk (think cars here) our earth has continued on its merry way unfettered […]