Watch Night Service and Praising God

Does your church have a “watch night” service planned for the last night of the year? Many churches offer services held on this evening culminating with rejoicing and feasting after a service of singing, praying and testimonials? In growing up that was one of the highlights of Christmas vacation! I always loved going to be […]

What/Who is on your agenda today?

Do you have memory aids to help you recall things? Some of use that tool to recall different thoughts such as “G-God’s R-riches A-at C-Christ’s E-expense.” We look for these simple acronyms because we are a people who are busy about many things. Already as you are beginning to read, your mind is on two […]

How Do You Worship?

One of the greatest compliments ever paid to Christianity in the first century is that believers’ lives were so changed from the inside out that they turned the world upside down. Is that what the world says about us or do we fade into the background? If ever there were two psalms that should ignite […]