Ps 8 “O Lord…How Majestic is Your Name!”

Psalm 8 begins and ends with the same phrase: “O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth,” “We need not wonder at this, for no heart can measure, no tongue can utter, the half of the greatness of Jehovah. The whole creation is full of his glory and radiant with […]

Psalm 19-20 “God in all of His Glory!”

Dr. Henry Morris in reflecting on this psalm wrote: “The 19th psalm is one of the most magnificent writings in the Bible and indeed in all literature. Charles Spurgeon also in reflecting wrote: “Any book without its first page would be sadly imperfect, and especially the great Natural Bible, since its first pages, the sun, […]

Watch Night Service and Praising God

Does your church have a “watch night” service planned for the last night of the year? Many churches offer services held on this evening culminating with rejoicing and feasting after a service of singing, praying and testimonials? In growing up that was one of the highlights of Christmas vacation! I always loved going to be […]

Waiting on God!

Devotional for Ps 129-131 There is a familiar hymn many have sung whose first lines go as follows: Speak, Lord, in the stillness, while I wait on thee; Hushed my heart to listen, in expectancy. Little is known about the author, E. May Grimes, other than in 1893 she traveled to S. Africa as a […]

O Worship the King — Psalm 104

When you woke up this morning did you stop to think of what had gone on from the time you dropped off into slumber-land until you arose? Did you stop to think or consider that unlike machines which often sputter and go clunk (think cars here) our earth has continued on its merry way unfettered […]