Read, Rehearse, Remember

Malachi 1-4 The Three “R’s”Today if you speak to people about church attendance and Bible reading, they often turn up their noses and say, like the Israelites of old, it is useless, and besides that, there are hypocrites in the church. [Mal 3:14] They have a warped view and, like Asaph in Ps 73, see […]

Celebrations of Blessings!

Zechariah 14 The Feast of BoothsWhat celebration brings joy to your heart and mind? Is it Thanksgiving or Christmas, or another? For Israel, it was and is the Feast of Booths/Sukkah to commemorate the release from Egyptian slavery thousands of years ago. It is a celebration of rejoicing over God’s provision. Long ago, God’s command […]

Honest or Hypocrite?

Zechariah 7-8 God and People NoticeWhen others hear my voice or see my actions, what does it tell them about my Christian walk and talk? The leaders in Bethel came to inquire about their practices of fasting. They expected to hear that all they were doing was righteous and pleasing to God, but they were […]

Accuser meets Advocate

Zechariah 3-6 Saved, Sanctified, ServiceSatan is the accuser of the brethren, but we have an advocate in Jesus Christ. He was the Advocate for Joshua, the high priest in Zechariah’s time, and he is our Advocate now. Why do we need an advocate? We need one because we are just like Joshua, blackened with sin, […]

Consider your way or Pay attention.

Haggai 1-2 God had sent the Israelites into captivity for their sin, but graciously God raised up Cyrus the Persian to release them and not just release them but provided them with all they would need to rebuild the Temple. He also asked them to pray for him as he leads. [Ezra 6:10] Jesus said […]