Zechariah 1-2 As one of three post-exilic prophets, Zechariah quizzes God about what he sees, and God answers. These people, the Jews, even as undisciplined as they are, are the apple of my eye. [Zech 2:8] I will send heaven and earth to reclaim them for My own. I will send 4 horses, 4 winds of heaven, and 4 craftsmen to punish the 4 horns (Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Rome) who have taken advantage of my people. One day I “will be a wall of fire surrounding Jerusalem and the source of glory in her midst.” [Zech 2:5]
God has chosen to do the same for us sinners saved by His grace. He places a wall of fire around me and my loved ones as we go to and fro about the earth, for there are horns that seek our harm. [1 Peter 5:8]
Zech 2:5 is my “go-to verse” for my granddaughter C. as she leaves the theater each night near midnight after her performance. Each night I pray at 10 pm for her safety. “Father put a wall of fire around her so that the enemies of this world cannot touch her.”
What is your go-to verse?