Nahum 1-3 As the prophet of God, Nahum reveals the ways of men, which are cruel and without mercy, and God, who seeks men’s hearts to turn to Him. Assyria was the cruelest of all the nations of Nahum’s time, and their leader considered himself to be invincible, yet in God’s perfect timing, he would be brought low. God’s patience is extraordinary! One hundred years earlier, He had sent Jonah to them to call for repentance, and they did. Yet, now, Nineveh has not only returned to their evil ways but multiplied it beyond. Yet, God, in His mercy, calls them to repent again. Because they would not, they are but a historical memory that archaeologists seek to understand. The lesson and message is this: God is slow to anger, not willing any should perish, but all come to repentance, yet He is also zealous and will avenge His people. [2Pet 3:9]
God is merciful, but He will be patient just so long. If Jesus were to return today, would we be ready for His avenging power? Watch the heavens, for soon He will return on the clouds in great fury over the wickedness of men and avenge His people. “The Lord is good— indeed, he is a fortress in time of distress, and he protects those who seek refuge in him.” [Nah 1:7] Do you know this character of God?