Why surprised?

1Cor 1-4 If there is one thing that amazes me, it is the lack of spiritual hunger for those whose destiny speaks of hell. Just as Paul encountered those who were jealous, angry, and refused the gospel message, we see these same kinds of people today. Paul’s letter was about the cross and the Savior […]

A Role Model

Acts 18 Description of ApollosCharacter studies help us to learn how to interact with others. Apollos is an excellent example of someone who was fearless when he talked about Jesus. He listened carefully to Priscilla and Aquila and had a teachable spirit, for he did not know the whole story about Jesus and His resurrection. […]

Acts 15 “The Doctrine of Faith Alone”

Dr. Luke again has brought us full circle from Acts 2 to here, showing us the overwhelming presence of God as the emerging church victoriously overcomes the works of Satan. He has shown us the character qualities of God: “a God of forgiveness, merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and unfailing in your loyal […]

True Friends are Hard to Find

Mark 2 Jesus has been about His Father’s business as he walked about Galilee. One thing is certain, Jesus made friends easily and not only listened but then acted if there was a need. How often do we listen but not meet the needs of others? A sign of a true friend is one who […]

What or Whom do you love?

Malachi 1-4 Malachi, Malachi, what are you telling me? You are telling me the same thing Jeremiah has told me in chapter 3 of his book. People are sinful and unrepentant. They are told that simple statement and reject it. Both authors use the Socratic method of God asking a question and the people responding. […]

Sharing the Gospel–without words

2 Kings 16-17, 2 Chron 28  We live in a neighborhood of immigrants who do not speak English. This is not a new phenomenon!  Back in the OT times, God allowed a wicked Assyrian king to carry away the nation of Israel to his foreign land. In their place, he sent other people he had […]

Doomsayers Depart!

Amos 6-9 Do you say, but I am only x, y, z? Do you not think that if God can use a sheepherder, He can use you? Or do you listen to the doomsayers who say, leave us; take your message to other people? Amos faced such backlash in Israel, which was not his home […]

Lessons from a Sheepherder

Amos 1 to 5 You may be like some who relate more to Amos, the humble Sheepherder from Tekoa, than someone who wears their Ph.D. on their sleeve.  Case in point, some years ago, I encountered a pastor who reminded me that he was to be called Dr. Jones.  Some unbelievers react that way when […]