It’s not fair!

Psalm 94 Justice The wicked continue on their path thinking there will be no consequences for their actions because in their mind, God does not exist nor will He find them at fault. Yet, “justice will prevail” for the One who made man also is the One who has ears to hear and will avenge […]

Are you Grateful?

Romans 11 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how unfathomable his ways! [Rom 11:33]  Paul expertly reveals the plan of God for His people and we who are the Gentiles. Thus, Paul reminds us that salvation given to us is a gift for […]


Romans 9 The Crux of the Matter Paul has gently but forcefully been seeking his countrymen to believe in Christ, but as it has been for a millennium and as Christ said, they are blind to the truth. He reminded the Corinthians of this fact when he said that our enemy has blinded our minds […]

Not my fault!

Proverbs 20 Responsibility Like many today, the people of the time this was written, wanted not to take responsibility for their own sins. Dr. Constable explains it like this: “They were claiming to be the innocent victims of the actions of others, blaming others for their condition. In this they sounded just like many in […]

Chosen by God

Psalm 89 The Calling of David and You God called the nation of Israel out of Egypt,not because they were more numerous or more wise or more strong.  God said He chose them “because of his love and his faithfulness to the promise he solemnly vowed to their ancestors that the Lord brought them out with […]

Free at Last!

Romans 8 NO Condemnation Satan is our adversary and as it says, his one motivation is to find or seeks to kill and destroy. He uses many means to keep us from being at peace and his tool is to remind us and to rehearse in our minds our past sins. Yet, as Paul writes, […]