The Glory of the Lord

Ezekiel 43-45 All through the OT, men saw glimpses of the Lord’s glory. Moses said the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire. [Ex 24:17] Isaiah saw and heard the seraphim calling to one another, “His majestic splendor fills the entire earth.” [Is 6:3] Elihu described God as mighty, exalted in power, the […]

Once Dead, Now Alive!

Ezekiel 37 Paul reminded the Ephesians that they “were dead” but are no longer because of the power of the energizing Holy Spirit that raises the dead to life. “And although you were dead in your offenses and sins…He made us  alive together with Christ—by grace, you are saved!” [Ephesians 2:1, 5] Ezekiel vividly illustrated […]

Are you prepared or deceived?

Ezekiel 28 Satan’s lie never changes. He has dangled this lie before men: “you will be like God.”  Like many, the rich man in Luke 16’s parable, the leader of Tyre, the leader of Babylon, and more, were captured like a fish, hook, line, and sinker. They trusted in their riches, position, power, and wisdom, […]

It’s your choice

Ezekiel 19-21  God unlocked Ezekiel’s tongue to speak to the exiles in Babylon who wanted answers; they wanted to “go home.” Instead, Ezekiel was to paint two pictures for them, one of lions and the other of vines, to help them understand why they were where they were. The lions pictured the foolish boy kings […]

God’s Parables

Ezekiel 15 to 18 “Parables Teach Principles” God had Ezekiel tell parables to the exiles, yet just as in Jesus’ time, the truths were hidden to those whose perceptions were dull. Jesus said: they will hear but not perceive the truth. However, when a heart is open, they will glean a truth for life. [Matt […]

“How’s that working for you?”

Ezekiel 12-14 God had Ezekiel pantomime the end of Jerusalem to the captive elders in Babylon. Instead of watching and learning, the hardhearted exiles asked: “What are you doing?” God chose Ezekiel as an object lesson for them about their king, Jerusalem, and their Temple. The elders didn’t want to hear any of this, so […]