Don’t be hoodwinked or Fooled

Ezra 4-6, Ps 137 Liars can feign truth through words and actions; therefore, we must be discerning. Ezra notes that the enemies came saying let us join you. Let “us” build the temple with you because we “are like you,” We seek your God, etc. Note “your” God, not their God but “your God.” Today, […]

Are you prepared or deceived?

Ezekiel 28 Satan’s lie never changes. He has dangled this lie before men: “you will be like God.”  Like many, the rich man in Luke 16’s parable, the leader of Tyre, the leader of Babylon, and more, were captured like a fish, hook, line, and sinker. They trusted in their riches, position, power, and wisdom, […]