Keep your eye on the heavens!

Jer 49-50 Power Hungry? Watch out! Babylon was chosen by God to discipline his children. Jeremiah and Ezekiel’s books tell us why and how it happened. But, just like the power-hungry adversaries in WWII, there will come a time when God says enough is enough. No more! God will raise an adversary to take down […]

Excellence? Diligence?

Jer 46-48 Those two words should be in our vocabulary every day! On this day some years back, my inlaws celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary! Those two words reflected their lives. Always their work was done with excellence, and they were diligent. Jeremiah reminds the reader that these are God’s characteristics. As His people, we should […]

The Eye of God

Habakkuk 1-3 Habakkuk has been given a bird’s eye view of the world and God’s judgment. He doesn’t understand why God would choose the evil empire of Babylon to judge his people, but then God reveals why through the use of illustrations beginning with “woe.” God pronounces three woes. Woe to him who covets evil gain. […]

Which coach are you following?

Is 34-37 In Football, sometimes a player fumbles the ball, and the touchdown is given to the opposing team. When Sennacherib tried to get Hezekiah to fumble the ball, he had no idea of the outcome! In Psalm 2, we see how God handles fumbles! “the one enthroned in heaven laughs in disgust; the Lord taunts them,” Then he sends in another team […]

Do Not Judge???

Hosea 8-10 Be careful repeating this saying: “do not judge.”  We don’t know the motives behind a person’s heart. God is saying I am the ultimate judge, and I alone can judge the heart. Remember Jeremiah’s words: the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked; who can know it? God alone knows the heart. [Jer 17:9-10] […]


Hosea 1-4 Hosea is an example of what an obedient child of the living God does— even when he does not understand. God told Hosea to find a prostitute and marry her, but where does a godly man find such a girl? From the garbage dump, Hosea redeemed her and married her lavishing upon her […]