Ilusion or Reality?

Ps 49 There are many today, who like fools, think they can outlive their final end. They seek to stop death by a sundry means but the God of the universe tells us that each person alive today will one day meet their destiny—-and God. What is your destiny? The Chinese emperors and Pharaohs of […]

Climate Change?

Joel 1-3 Climate Change is the buzzword of the day. We hear about it and are reminded that the cause is humans and their thirst for fossil fuels. Yet, in the years 1930-1939, the USA experienced what has been termed the Dust Bowl. It was because the farmers in the Midwest over-plowed and removed the […]

Whirring Wings & the Gospel

Isaiah 18-22 God is such a creative God. When I think of whirring wings, I think of planes but not so in Isaiah’s time. God has given Isaiah a visual picture of several nations opposed to God, and the first is the picture of whirring wings. Dr. Constable says the land of Cush and beyond […]

Contructive Criticism from a Master Teacher: Paul

Some years ago I was given an ENORMOUS compliment…that I was a master teacher. Humbly, I do not see myself in that category after studying the life of Jesus and further the life of Paul. Especially so in the third chapter of Corinthians! Principle: Jesus is the Master Teacher of all and Paul learned at […]

Revenge or Forgiveness ..Your Choice

Psalm 69 is one of the three most quoted psalms in the NT in reference to “The Messiah.”  (e.g. Those who hate me without cause [Jn 15:25], vinegar to drink [Matt 17:48]. Thus it is fitting that we walk through this psalm as part of our study in the book of Matthew about our True […]