“Belief is More Than a Word”

Luke 1 to 3 The people of Israel waited four hundred years to hear from God and his prophets, but He had been silent. Now in a flash of a moment, God chooses a Gentile author to reveal that He is still at work.  First, God sends an angel to tell Zachariah that he will […]


Mark 14 to 16 Jesus quoted Zechariah, “you will all scatter,” but Peter exclaimed: I will “never” forsake you and am willing to die for you.  His word “NEVER” echoes across the centuries as a reminder that words cannot be retracted. Peter will be found alone weeping bitterly; he will weep for the words that […]

“Only Jesus Can Mend a Fickle Heart”

Mark 11: During Christ’s last week, often called the Passion Week, we see His only miracle of destruction in the cursing of the fig tree, his second cleansing of the Temple (did they not get it the first time He did this?); the true heart of the religious leaders, the fickle heart of the populace. […]

“Man-Made Rules and the Heart”

Mark 7 Mark wanted his audience to see that our lips and our outward worship may say we love God, but it is the inward heart that is God’s measuring rod. “God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” [1Sa 16:7] What did the religious leaders care […]

Where is Your Decapolis?

Mark 4 to 6 The demoniac freed from his prison desired to follow Jesus, much like the blind Bartimaeus, but this is not the time. Jesus needs the “man freed from demons” to be left behind to go and proclaim what the Lord had done for him. Obediently he did, and all marveled. The herders […]

“Listen, Hear and Do Immediately”

Mark 1 Many feel that Mark’s ear heard the words of Jesus as Peter shared them with him. He wants us to walk, see and listen as Jesus moves from the river to the wilderness, from the wilderness to the city proper, from the city proper to the synagogue, from the synagogue to Simon’s house, […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Matt 26-28 With his detailed observation skills, Matthew recalls the last week of the earthly life of our Lord. He now recalls his notes on two people, Judas and Mary. Judas was a taker with his embezzling self-seeking heart, whereas Mary was a giver of the most expensive gift of the oil poured out.    Judas […]

“Mirror of the Soul”

Matt 23 In the movie Snow White, the wicked queen stopped by her mirror each morning asking: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? The mirror replied that she was—until one day the mirror said it was not she, but Snow White. This a picture of what Jesus saw as […]