Are you Prepared?

Job 1-5 A key to understanding the man Job is to look at his life in everyday circumstances. God noted he was blameless and upright, and we see how he responded to his children’s choices. He offered sacrifices regularly ‘just in case’ they had cursed God, not out loud, but in their hearts. Job’s care […]

Repeat it Again…

Rev 9-12 What am I busy about today?John describes what he has seen just as Jesus commanded him and what he sees is fierce and frightening, yet men remain steadfastly belligerent to the ways of God. They will long to die, but it won’t be possible. Today there is a movement to help people to […]

The True Test of My Faith

James 3-5 James has been preparing his reading audience to hear from God about what He considers the true test of our faith. It lies in the practical, not the superficial. Paul captured it precisely when he said: “For I don’t understand what I am doing. For I do not do what I want—instead, I […]

Keep that love fresh!

Ephesians 1-3 Paul wrote to encourage the Ephesians to stand fast. About 25 yrs. later under the inspiration of Christ, John wrote to encourage these precious believers to return to their first love. Paul told them they were saints, set apart for God, faithful in Christ. John said you were faithful and enduring. What had […]

God’s ways are higher than men’s

Acts 27-28 God’s Plans are Higher and Greater Isaiah explained to his listeners that God’s plans are higher and superior to men’s deeds. Men had cautioned the builders of the Titanic to prepare for any disaster, and Paul warned the ship’s captain about sailing away from Crete. Yet, their voices fell upon deaf ears. The […]

One Drink…that changed a life forever

John 4 Jesus “had” go through Samaria, not because of expediency but because His Father had ordained a divine opportunity to meet the Samaritan woman. As she and Jesus interacted, He revealed, as she said later: “who told me everything I ever did.” Leaving her water pot at the well, she told the city residents, […]

The Heart

Mark 7 The religious leaders were intent on being perfect before men and before God. Their intent was good, but their practice was fraught with pride. They were insistent on how they were to wash their hands before taking in food, and today we, too, wash before eating—however, they thought this practice is what made […]