The Fool

Proverbs 15 Continuing on with the theme of the wise vs the fool and zeroing in on the prodigal son from Luke; Proverbs repeatedly shows that the foolish don’t usually know they are behaving foolishly. (Bryan Mc. Woodcreek sermon). It seems that the fool is one that determines he is wiser than God and he […]

Be Impartial

James 2 See with Jesus Eyes  When I grew up, I was faced with prejudice and all its faults. I was forbidden to have interactions with those of another race and another ethnic background. I found it hard to understand but found that little by little those factors crept into my thinking. So, when God […]

Christ the True God

Hebrews 9 Christ Our Sacrifice Recalling the battle where the Philistines captured the Ark and their fear. The Hebrews author gives us a graphic picture of what it must have looked like and why they were so afraid. They had said unwittingly, a god is in our presence yet they turned not to the Holy […]